OpenProdoc: Document Management System Castellano
OpenProdoc is a Document Management System, that is, a program for managing documents as well as a description of each document and share them between users. All this grouped in folder/cases that contain the documents and with a security layer so each user acces to the allowed documents. Documents can be searched by its metadata or by its content as in any Internet search web.
It's free to use and it's Open Source, so you can review the source code and even improve it or adapt to your requirements.
The latest addition to Openprodoc is an extension that optimizes the handling of documentation related to software development projects: Software Management for OpenProdoc
OpenProdoc has a portable version that can be used in any computer (Linux, Windows, Mac) WITHOUT INSTALLATION installation and WITH ALL THE FUNCTIONALITY. The portable version can be used by one user or several users at the same time because includes a complete server.
Beside the document functionality, OpenProdoc includes the managing of multilanguage thesauri and controlled dictionaries that can be used isolated or combined with the document definitions.
The version 3.0.4 only adds some bug fixes.
Most of the work on OpenProdoc has been done on the Android version, which will be released shortly.
The version 3.0.3 adds, to the existing functionality:
The version 3.0.2 adds, to the existing functionality:
The version 3.0.1 adds, to the existing functionality, important improvements:
The version 2.3 adds, to the existing functionality, important improvements:
Parametrization of OpenProdoc Contrib Module by Lucycons3, Nosturi
System Status
Until now the minimum version of Java required by OpenProdoc was Java 1.6. This involved using old versions of some libraries (like Lucene) so as not to demand too much from the computers. However, Java 1.6 is already 12 years old and stopped being updated 5 years ago. Some libraries used by OpenProdoc no longer worked in Java 10.
That is why it has been chosen to update the code and all the libraries to the latest versions. Version 2.2 has been completely recompiled to be able to work with a MINIMUM version of Java 1.8 and higher versions.
In addition, the code includes several improvements and better error control
The version 2.1 adds, to the existing functionality, important improvements:
The version 2.0 adds, to the existing functionality, important improvements: