Attributes Maintenance
When selected in the form Object Definition Maintenance one of the options to add, delete, modify or copy the Metadata, will appear this form with different fields on or off.
This form contains the information:
- Attribute Name: Metadata identifier whose value can not be repeated or changed once assigned. You can have a maximum length of 32 characters. (Eg "ProjectCode"). Is the name to be used internally by integrating through the API.
- Public Attribute Name: Is the name that users will see in the different forms and lists of OPD. It can have a maximum length of 32 characters. (Eg "Code of the Project").
- Attribute Description: Description that allows more information about the use and meaning of the metadata. Appears as an aid in the forms that display the metadata. You can have a maximum length of 128 characters. (Eg "Project Code under corporate regulations XCP")
- Type of Metadata : The metadata type can be: String, Date, Date-Time, Integer, Float, Logical or Thesaurus.
- Length: In case of be of type string, maximum length that will hold the metadata. For Thesaurus type means the thesaurus code.
- Required: Boolean value indicating whether the metadata is mandatory when creating a document.
- Unique: A Boolean value that indicates whether values can not be repeated in the metadata for documents of this type.
- Modifiable: A Boolean value that indicates the metadata be changed after creating the document.
- Multivalued: A Boolean value that indicates that you can enter a list of values in the metadata (eg a list of authors or keywords).

According to the characteristics defined in metadata, when a user inserts or modifies documents, OPD will enforce the conditions.
If you choose "thesaurus" as type of metadata, a combo field will be presented to choose the thesaurus to be used to validate. When you enter this metadata in a document or folder, you can choose a value of a term of the thesaurus. The system will maintain the integrity, so that must exist the term siemrpe to assign to a metadata, and never be erased if it is the term used to describe a document or folder.

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