Help Index Thesaurus OpenProdoc
- Thesaurus Main Window: Shows a general overview of the thesaurus main window in OpenProdoc.
- Tesauros
- Add Thesarus: This option can be used to create new Thesaurus.
- Modify Thesaurus: Modify the current Thesaurus.
- Delete Thesaurus: Deletes the current Thesaurus and ALL its terms after confirmation by the user.
- Actualizar: Update all the data shown in the form.
- Export Thesaurus: Exports the current Thesaurus and all its term in the standard format SKOS.
- Import Thesaurus: Imports a new Thesaurus and all its term in the standard format SKOS.
- Close: Closes the Thesaurus window, leaving opened the main OpenProdoc window.
- Térm
- Add Term: This option can be used to create new term under the current term (NT).
- Modify Term: Modify the current Term.
- Delete Term: Deletes the current term and ALL its narrow terms (NT) after confirmation by the user.
- Search Term: Search term using different criteria.
- Select: Select a term when creating relation as USE, RT, or translationsa between languages and toggles some visualized elements.
Help Index OpenProdoc