OpenProdoc: Document Management System Castellano 
OpenProdoc Functions:
- Free and OpenSource
- A complete Document Management System, with document and folder type definitions, control of versions, sophisticated security options and document lifecycle management.
- Object oriented definitions for documents and folders (including inheritance)
- Modification of definitions already in use.
- Thesaurus Support
- Complete Thesaurus management.
- Skos-rdf standard support for import-export.
- Multiple thesaurus.
- Validation of selected metadata against thesaurus.
- Can be used as J2EE application or as a personal portable (Linux, Windows, Mac) system, always with low requirements
- Different ways to store documents:
- FileSystem
- ftp
- Reference
- Amazon AWS S3 (and API compatible systems as Atmos and OpenStack))
- Multi-database (Derby, MySQL, Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, SQLLite, HSQLDB)
- Several ways for Authentication (Ldap, DDBB, OS, Own system)
- Fine granularity of administration and permissions, allowing delegation of different functions.
- Multi-language (English, Spanish, Portuguese and Catalonian)
- Import of document scanned and classified in Kofax Capture or Abbyy Flexicapture
- Task Support
- Scheduled or event triggered.
- Delete and purge of old documents/cases
- News and purge Reports
- Scheduled Import/Export
- Automatic update and conversion
OpenProdoc Requirements:
The minimum necessary to use OpenProdoc is a Database and a Java environ JVM 1.5 or higher.
The database will contain all the information about configuration of OPD and all the metadata of the documents.
Depending on where you prefer to store the documents, it can be used a folder in the computer or a table in the same database.
Regarding to access the documents, for the Swing client (the thick client used for administration and access to documents) there are no aditional requirements. For the web client, an application server J2EE is required.
Although it's impossible to test all combinations of software(O.S.+Java+DB Server+J2EE Server+ Browser), different combinations have been tested to avoid problems. In that sense it would be welcomed any information about combinations tested and errors found. The system is designed using a minimum of instructions and avoiding proprietary features, so it should work in most environments. A combination not listed here does not mean that it does not function.
Tested Software:
- Firefox 6, 7, 20..70
- Chrome 13, 14..78
- Internet Explorer 8-11 (for version previous to 2.0)
- Microsoft Edge
- Opera 10.51
- Safari 4.0.5
- Derby 10.6, 10.10
- MySQL 5.5
- PostgreSQL 9.1, 9.4, 10.5, 11.2
- Oracle 10g, 12c
- DB2 9.1
- MS SQL Server 9.0, 2014
- HSQLDB 2.2.8, 2.4.1
- MariaDB 10.0, 10.1, 10.4.8
Application Servers:
- Glassfish 3.1, 4.1
- Tomcat 6, 7, 8, 9
- WebLogic Server 11g R1 (10.3.5), 12.2
- JBoss/WildFly 9.0 (JBoss don't use standard REST so it must be disabled)
- Jetty 9.2, 9.4
- Java 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.13